Due Date:
Monday, March 24, 2014
jobs and tasks that used to be done by people are now being done by automated
systems. There are social, economic, and environmental impacts that automation
has on society.
What to do:
a job or task that has been automated (see examples on p. 171 in your
textbook). Have your topic approved by the teacher. Conduct research to learn
how the job or task was accomplished before, and after it was automated.
Describe and explain the impacts of this automation on our society, and decide
if this automation was positive or negative on the whole.
What to submit:
-one-page typed
(approximately 500 words)
o Introduction
paragraph: introduce the automation you chose, perhaps include reasons why
o Body:
§ 1
paragraph of how the task was done BEFORE automation and how it is done NOW
with automation (briefly compare and contrast)
§ 1-2
paragraphs of impacts of the automation (social, economic, and environmental)
o Concluding
paragraph: your opinion of the automation with justification
Criterion A: One World
3 4
5 6
The student does not reach a standard described by
any of the other descriptors.
The student states
the use and application of science interacting with at least one of the following factors: Social, economic, and
The student describes
the use and application of science interacting with at least one of the following factors: Social, economic, and
The student discusses
and evaluates the use and application of science interacting with at least two of the following
factors: Social, economic, and environmental.