Test Coverage: CH. 7, CH. 8, and Sec. 9.1
Extra Help Session: Monday (May 26) after school in Room 208 until 4:00 p.m.
*******Below is an overview of Unit C: Fluids**********
CH. 7
- Fluids are substances that can flow
- Fluids can transport solids, hold other materials, and become solids when cooled
- Matter is made of particles (review the points of the Particle Theory!)
CH. 8
- Viscosity is the resistance of a fluid to flow
- Temperature has an effect on viscosity (but liquids and gases react differently!)
- Density is the amount of mass continued in a given amount of space (D = m/v)
- Archimede's principle: the buoyant force on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object
- Pressure is the amount of force applied over a certain area (p = F/A)
- Pressure can change due to: depth, fluid flow, and temperature
Sec. 9.1
- Hydraulic systems use a liquid as the enclosed fluid
- Pneumatic systems use a gas as the enclosed fluid
- Pumps and valves are used to control the flow of fluid through a system